From September 23 to September 25 EMC Europe 2020 took place virtually. Being thé conference on EMC in Europe, PETER participated in large numbers.
On Wednesday September 23, a special PETER session on Risk-Based EMC was organized. With 63 participants, this special session was well attended which again shows the importance of the research being tackled within the PETER project.
During this special session on Risk-Based EMC, 6 PETER ESRs presented a paper about their research results. Lokesh (ESR3) presented his paper on System-Level Risk Analysis for Immunity in Automotive Functional Safety Analyses.
Mumpy (ESR4) presented her paper on Introduction of Wireless Services and Devices in a Hospital Environment Following a Risk-based EMC approach.
Hasan (ESR5) discussed his paper on Development of an EMI Detector Based on an Inverted Data Pair with Reduced Number of False Negatives.
Qazi (ESR7) discussed his paper on Obsolescence in EMC Risk Assessment: A Case Study on EFT Immunity of Microcontrollers.
Arunkumar (ESR9) presented his paper on Coupling of Energy into PCB Traces in a Reverberant Environment: Absorption of Cross-Section and Probability of Susceptibility.
Nancy (ESR10) presented her paper on EMI Aspects of Low Voltage Power Distribution System for Ships.
Congratulations to prof. Leferink and prof. Pissoort for organizing and chairing this PETER special session at EMC Europe 2020! Felicitations and applause to the ESRs for presenting their paper at this special session!